Unlock the FULL POTENTIAL of your shoulders and posture, and rid yourself of nagging stiffness, aches, and pains.


Do your shoulders hold you back?

Shoulder health didn’t come easy for me. I suffered through years of shoulder dislocations that created stiff and dysfunctional shoulders and upper back. I tried everything, and yet always felt trapped by my own body, unable to move the way I wanted to move and do the things that bring me joy.

I’ve now put those woes behind me and am able to do things I never thought possible: rock climb, acrobatics, high level calisthenic skills; and most importantly, I’m so confident in my shoulders I don’t think twice about trying something new and exciting.

I created this program to help those that feel like I felt: trapped. Whether you’re dealing with stiffness, weakness, pain, or dislocations, this program is designed to help you MOVE BETTER so you can FEEL BETTER.

anyone can have healthy shoulders:

take a step back.

relearn the basics.

move forward with strong, flexible and Confident shoulders.




You’ll take a step back and learn how to shift tension away from chronically stiff and overused muscles, while waking up muscles that have shut off due to underuse by learning to move properly.


Month Two is all about reinforcing the good movement you learned in month one, and unlocking muscles that have been tight for years.


Month 3 gives you the roadmap to stacking strength and flexibility on top of your renewed shoulders, giving you the ability to move confidently into whatever is next for you on your journey to happiness.



Work to open and strengthen all positions where your arms are overhead or behind you. Learn to turn on the muscles of the mid back when reaching overhead, rather than relying on the upper back and neck (which is why they feel tight). And open up muscles like the lats and pecs that limit your overhead position. And stretch the thoracic spine THE RIGHT WAY to create lasting posture gains.


The spine is the main reason people feel stiff. Think of swimmers shoulders, how freely they reach in every direction, it’s because tons of rotation is built into their sport! This session is all about reclaiming spine rotation AND strengthening shoulder rotation (heard of the rotator cuff?).

With the flexible schedule and short and sweet workouts (around 20 mins), you can train anywhere from 2-6 days per week. And these sessions can pair nicely with your current workouts, just add them in at the beginning or end.

Here’s what you get…

TWO unique workouts each month

short, 20 min workouts = easy to add-on to current regimen

26 page e-book



new 5-min DAILY routines each month

Research shows hanging directly benefits your shoulder and postural health. We use daily hanging and floor movements to remind the body to stay open and strong.

posture fix BONUS

Postural problems look bad and directly affect your shoulder health. You’ll receive instructions and videos on how to correct common postural problems.


You’ll need to use this program differently if you deal with shoulder instability like I did. Included is a plan on how to do just that.


Maintaining healthy shoulders is simple. Included is a plan on how to keep your shoulders healthy for the rest of your life.


Check out these member transformations…

“I first reached out to Trevor because my left shoulder was causing me significant pain and discomfort. I couldn’t even manage a single pull-up without feeling intense pain. But I encountered Trevor’s story on social media and it gave me hope. Fast forward 18 months, pain in my shoulder is a distant memory! I am doing muscle ups, handstands and all sorts of movements I wouldn’t have thought possible…


“After decades of dedicated fitness work, I had developed imbalances which I wasn't even aware of. This led to aches, pains, and ultimately degraded not only my fitness but also my quality of life! Trevor helped me to rebalance my fitness, especially in my shoulders and back, gaining fluidity and strength, both at the same time. The result? All of my basic activities, hiking, biking, swimming have dramatically improved.”


"I reached out to Trevor complaining of shoulder pain every time I did a muscle up. 3 weeks in, I could muscle up 6 reps with 0 pain… 3 months in, I’m doing high skill movements I never imagined I could do!


I turned my biggest weakness into my greatest strength by meeting the problem head on.


Have you tried to “open” or “fix” your shoulders but always end up back where you started?

Conventional strength training, yoga, calisthenics, and most other modalities are good for your shoulders…. IF you already have healthy shoulders. If not, they can actually work directly against your shoulder health (speaking from experience). I thought I could train away my shoulder woes by intelligent programs designed with perfectly balanced workouts and endless amounts of stretching. I got stronger, but I still felt horrible. In hindsight, I was merely stacking strength on top of dysfunction. And the stretching went nowhere.

This is as far as I can open my shoulders.

This was as far as I could open my shoulders in 2017.

Trying to arch my upper back in 2017.

I’ve put out a couple videos on the Strength Side YouTube channel about my journey, and now I get messages from people all over the world DAILY about how they are struggling with shoulder health as well.

there’s obviously something missing in how we currently treat our shoulders and posture, and it’s not for lack of effort.

I decided to take a step back and figure out why my shoulders were different than someone with perfectly healthy shoulders. There’s wasn’t a difference in anatomy; we all have the same parts shaped in similar ways (although orthopedists may want you to believe otherwise). There wasn’t a difference in the strength of the rotator cuff. To my shock, what slowly started to realize is that I MOVED POORLY! How I reached for something, or how I did a pull-up, looked VERY different than how healthy shoulders looked. This was the insight I needed to start unravelling my disfunction.

The focus is on finding the perfect exercise or stretch, but there is never enough attention ON simply how you do it, what it feels like, and how this compares to healthy shoulders.

It felt like I started seeing through the matrix, spotting shoulder disfunction everywhere I looked. At the time I was working as a personal trainer working 40 hours a week, so I had tons of opportunities to help people work through their own shoulder dysfunctions. I made it my craft, now it’s my business.

I turned my biggest weakness into my greatest strength by meeting the problem head on.

Now I feel free to do all of the activities that bring me joy, never limited by my shoulders, and I could help others feel the same. And now… I’ve put all of this wisdom into one simple program.


PRICE: $99


Use Code: Presale79 at checkout

In 90 days, unlock the full potential of your shoulders and posture, and rid yourself of nagging stiffness, aches, and pains.



Presale $399



Fast-track your journey and accomplish goals you never dreamed of with Trevor's guidance and support.

Learn more about coaching →

Want 1:1 COACHING?


Bulletproof Shoulders is all about learning to move better. Having a trained eye on you will speed up your progress tremendously. Here’s how it works:


Trevor is unlike any coach I’ve ever worked with before. He is the reason I’ve been able to heal my shoulder issues. I never thought it would be possible to get back to the sports I love - swimming and surfing - which used to cause me lots of shoulder pain. Through working with Trevor, I not only got back to these sports, but I’ve been able to push the limits and even swim a few marathons… He deeply listens to you and asks insightful questions to develop programs that are impactful, feasible and fun. Working with Trevor is truly transformational.

  • You’ll simply need something to hang from and a few bands. I’m an expert in finding things to hang from, so if you’re having trouble just shoot me an email. All other exercises can be done with household items, or if you have access to a gym you’ll have everything you need!

  • This program is designed to fit your lifestyle, no matter what the circumstances. You can train anywhere from 2-6 days per week, with a recommendation of 3-4. The workouts are not assigned to days of the week, so you design your own schedule. And with the way it’s set up, there’s no “missing” a workout. If something comes up just hop back in where you left off when you can.

  • The workouts are designed so that you can use them as standalone workouts or as add-ons to the beginning or end of your current workouts. If you do the minimum, they can be as quick as 20 minutes. But there is always options to do more if you’re feeling ambitious!

  • This program is not intended to “fix” anything as it is not medical advice. This program is all about how to MOVE BETTER. Coincidentally (or not) most people experience benefits in their shoulder problems just by moving better as often times these shoulder problems have the root cause of poor movement.

    If you are dealing with shoulder injuries you should consult a medical professional.

  • Each tutorial shows was to make the exercise easier or harder depending on your level of strength, flexibility, or skill. I’ve used each of these exercises with high level athletes as well as grandparents just wanting to enjoy playing with their grandchildren. Remember, the focus is on MOVING BETTER, which anyone can do!

  • Once you pay, you’ll be prompted to create a login to access the program. Then you’ll use this website to gain access to your program forever.

    BUT… I personally prefer to just download a PDF and save it on my phone and computer so that I can have access instantaneously from anywhere. So with that in mind, on the home page you’ll be able to download a PDF containing every piece of the website.

  • NO. You can use this program in conjunction with any other type of physical activity. However, if you truly want to commit to rebuilding your shoulders in 90 days, you may want to cut back on the AMOUNT of time and energy you’re committing to other hobbies. This, with the intention to coming back to them with renewed shoulders and ultimately feeling even better!

  • I’d highly recommend recording yourself and keeping a training journal. You’ll be able to track your strength and flexibility progress objectively through videos, as well as subjectively track through journaling how you feel before, during, and after workouts.

  • Once you pay you gain access for life. Unfortunately I do not offer refunds, but I am 100% available to you to help you on your journey to shoulder health!

still have questions?

EMAIL trevor@trevorhash.com

move forward with strong, flexible and Confident shoulders